drymail module

class drymail.Message(sender, receivers, subject=None, authors=None, cc=None, bcc=None, reply_to=None, headers=None, text=None, html=None, prepared_message=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing an email message.

  • sender (str or (str, str)) – The address of the sender. Can be either the email address or a tuple of the name and the email address.
  • receivers (list of (str or (str, str))) – The list of receivers // recipients. Each element can be either an email address or a tuple of a name and an email address.
  • subject (str, optional) – The subject of the email
  • authors (list of (str or (str, str)), optional) – The list of authors, to be mentioned in the Authors header. Each element can be either an email address or a tuple of a name and an email address.
  • cc (list of (str or (str, str)), optional) – The list of addresses to CC to. Each element can be either an email address or a tuple of a name and an email address.
  • bcc (list of (str or (str, str)), optional) – The list of addresses to BCC to. Each element can be either an email address or a tuple of a name and an email address.
  • reply_to (list of (str or (str, str)), optional) – The list of addresses to mention in the Reply-To header. Each element can be either an email address or a tuple of a name and an email address.
  • headers (dict, optional) – Custom headers as key-value pairs, to be injected into the email.
  • text (str, optional) – The body of the message, as plaintext. At least one among text and html must be provided.
  • html (str, optional) – The body of the message, as HTML. At least one among text and html must be provided.
  • prepared_message (bytes, optional) – A prepared email as bytes. If this is provided, all the other optional parameters will be ignored.

The prepared message object.

Type:email.message.Message object or email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart object

Whether the message is prepared, in other words whether self.message is available and proper.


The address of the sender. Can be either the email address or a tuple of the name and the email address.

Type:str or (str, str)

The list of receivers // recipients. Each element can be either an email address or a tuple of a name and an email address.

Type:list of (str or (str, str))

The subject of the email


The list of authors, to be mentioned in the Authors header. Each element can be either an email address or a tuple of a name and an email address.

Type:list of (str or (str, str))

The list of addresses to CC to. Each element can be either an email address or a tuple of a name and an email address.

Type:list of (str or (str, str))

The list of addresses to BCC to. Each element can be either an email address or a tuple of a name and an email address.

Type:list of (str or (str, str))

The list of addresses to mention in the Reply-To header. Each element can be either an email address or a tuple of a name and an email address.

Type:list of (str or (str, str))

Custom headers as key-value pairs, to be injected into the email.


The body of the message, as plaintext.


The body of the message, as HTML.


A prepared email as bytes.

attach(filename, data=None, mimetype=None)[source]

Add a file as attachment to the email.

  • filename (str) –
    If data is provoded:
    The filename of the file to be attached.
    If data not provoded:
    The full name (path + filename) of the file to be attached.
  • data (bytes, optional) – The raw content of the file to be attached.
  • mimetype (str, optional) – The MIMEType of the file to be attached.

All the attachments attached to the message.

Returns:The filenames of the attachments attached.
Return type:list of str

Prepare the self.message object.

class drymail.SMTPMailer(host, port=None, user=None, password=None, ssl=False, tls=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper around smtplib.SMTP class, for managing a SMTP client.

  • host (str) – The hostname of the SMTP server to connect to.
  • port (int, optional) – The port number of the SMTP server to connect to.
  • user (str, optional) – The username to be used for authentication to the SMTP server.
  • password (str, optional) – The password to be used for authentication to the SMTP server.
  • ssl (bool, optional) – Whether to use SSL for the SMTP connection.
  • tls (bool, optional) – Whether to use TLS // starttls for the SMTP connection.
  • keyfile (str, optional) – File containing the SSL private key.
  • certfile (str, optional) – File containing the SSL certificate in PEM format.
  • context (ssl.SSLContext object) – The SSL context to be used in the SSL connection.

The SMTP client that’d be used to send emails.

Type:smtplib.SMTP object

Whether there is an active SMTP connection.


The hostname of the SMTP server to connect to.


The port number of the SMTP server to connect to.


The username to be used for authentication to the SMTP server.


The password to be used for authentication to the SMTP server.


Whether to use SSL for the SMTP connection.


Whether to use TLS // starttls for the SMTP connection.


Close the SMTP connection and quit the self.client object.


Create the SMTP connection.

send(message, sender=None, receivers=None)[source]

Send an email through this SMTP client.

  • message (drymail.Message object) – The message to be sent.
  • sender (str, optional) – The email address of the sender.
  • receivers (list of str, optional) – The email addresses of the receivers // recipients.

Converts an address into a string in the “John Doe” <john@example.com>” format, which can be directly used in the headers of an email.

Parameters:address (str or (str, str)) – An address. Can be either the email address or a tuple of the name and the email address.
Returns:Address as a single string, in the “John Doe” <john@example.com>” format. Returns address unchanged if it’s a single string.
Return type:str

Converts a list of addresses into a string in the “John Doe” <john@example.com>, “Jane” <jane@example.com>” format, which can be directly used in the headers of an email.

Parameters:addresses ((str or (str, str)) or list of (str or (str, str))) – A single address or a list of addresses which is to be converted into a single string. Each element can be either an email address or a tuple of a name and an email address.
Returns:The address(es) as a single string which can be directly used in the headers of an email.
Return type:str